CONCERNS have been raised that developers are trying to "game" the planning system to avoid providing more parking spaces on a new Maldon council estate.

Maldon District Council has given full permission for 78 homes in the latest phase of the 1,000-home Wycke Hill development in the town.

It is part of wider plans that include a new primary school and two early years and childcare facilities on land south of Wycke Hill and Limebrook Way, which were given outline permission in 2016.

Permission granted to Crest Nicholson allows 33 three-bedroom houses of which 25 also have a study.

The studies are below the minimum size recommended to be used as a bedroom after the council insisted they had to be reduced in size.

Planning committee member Adrian Fluker said he had concerns that designating rooms as studies, despite a bed being able to fit, meant developers do not need to provide as many car parking spaces.

As it is the plans provide a total of 150 car parking spaces at an average of 1.92 spaces per home.

Mr Fluker told a planning committee on June 16: “By calling them studies the developer no longer needs to meet their obligations under the parking standards to provide parking spaces. How are we going to police this?”

Council development manager Michael Johnson said: “We had a discussion with the applicant on that very matter.

“The room which was identified as a study as it is now was initially larger and could accommodate a single wardrobe. We were particularly adamant that it be reduced in size. There is a limitation as to can it still be used.

“This has been the subject of many an appeal. Is it a habitable room or is it a study?

"And we have had to take a position in cutting through the appeal decisions where the inspectorate has said if the developer says it is a study then it’s a study. But others have taken a harsher view.”