A SAILING club in the Dengie has planted 101 trees as part of a scheme to celebrate the Queen's Platinum Jubilee.

Members of Marconi Sailing Club planted the trees as part of the Queen’s Green Canopy initiative, which aims to encourage tree planting during the jubilee.

As well as celebrating the Queen's 70 years of service, the trees will also commemorate the club’s own 70th anniversary.

The trees were donated by club members Ray and Maureen Ball and will replace some of the trees destroyed during recent storms.

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A team of younger members took the lead on planting 101 saplings along the club's field and had them all in the ground in under 90 minutes.

Commodore Bryan Spencer then cut a special commemorative cake.

Spokesman Jenny Ball said: "He noted the club is run entirely by volunteers and support from members enables great projects like this to take place.

"Going forward, our younger members will be encouraged to keep an eye on the saplings to give them the best chance of growing into new trees members and the wildlife can enjoy for many years to come."

An official Queen’s Green Canopy plaque has been displayed outside the Southminster clubhouse to mark the special occasion.