ESSEX Police have been taking part in countywide ‘uninformed patrol’ operation this week – with the Maldon Town Team also being involved.

The town team’s focus was on showing a “highly visible police presence in the community to deal with localised issues."

Essex Police said that “uniformed foot patrols” are important as they allow officers to engage with residents, businesses and acquire local intelligence.

The force have also been patrolling in many areas across the district over the last week offering crime prevention advice and reassuring residents.

Maldon and Burnham Standard: Patrols - Essex Police uninformed foot patrols helped them to engage with residents and businesses Patrols - Essex Police uninformed foot patrols helped them to engage with residents and businesses (Image: Essex Police)

It comes as the Maldon Town Team also held a “Let’s Talk’ event in March with the intention of bringing officers and members of the community closer together.

Police officers or Police Community Support Officers (PCSOs) were available to listen to community concerns and answer your questions about local policing.

To find out more about community policing visit