A GAS network has invested in a campaign to save households money on their energy bills this winter.

Based at community centres across Maldon and the district, the new Centres for Warmth initiative will support vulnerable households this winter to offer practical help and advice.  

Sarah Troop, director of Maldon and District CVS, said: "Many people will be anxious about the cost of energy bills this winter.

"Our centres will provide a safe space where we can support vulnerable members of the local community with advice and assistance during what could be a difficult winter."

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Cadent, the gas network in Essex, has invested £25,000 to help fund the Centres for Warmth project in Maldon and the district.

The scheme aims to support over 1,400 people during winter. 

Network director James Harrison said: "As well as providing practical support for the most vulnerable people in our community, we’re committed to helping all families and individuals save money on their energy bills while staying safe and well. 

"By making small changes to use energy more efficiently around the home, these can add up to real savings on energy bills – which is a big concern for many households right now."