PERHAPS through your newspaper I can make those dog owners who walk their dogs along Church Lane and Church Street, Bocking, aware of the consequences of a heavy penalty fine if they are caught allowing their dog to foul these footpaths with dogs mess and not bother to clean it up.

There is a fine that will be imposed of £1,000 if caught which is implemented by Braintree Council.

Not only is leaving dog mess on these pavements a filthy habit but also a health risk as the various acids and germs within that mess can and does affect people’s eyesight

It also gets stuck to your footwear and if trodden indoors makes one hell of mess on carpets and flooring. It is up to you, the dog owner, to take responsibility of cleaning it up by just simply using a bag or poop scope and placing the bag in the correct bin, so please dog owners, have thought for others.

Kenneth Pallant

Church Lane, Bocking