AN ECO-friendly primary school has won it’s fourth prestigious green flag.

Bradfield Primary School has been awarded four green flags in a row, each one taking two years to achieve.

The strict criteria mean the school must meet nine different targets, including saving energy, biodiversity, healthy living, litter and conserving water.

Peter Halliday, vice-chair of governors, said: “A green flag is the highest environmental award given to schools. It’s quite prestigious.

“We do forest school - we have an area in the school, called Meadows, left as wild as possible, the pupils can use that on a weekly basis and they make bug hotels and bins and get muddy. To get the green flag, you have to show all the children in the school are involved - we have an eco committee, and when the assessor comes the children show them around.”

For the second time, Bradfield Primary has also been selected as one of ten schools to be part of the National Eco Action Committee, helping other schools improve their environmental work.

Headteacher Maria Luck-Davies said: “We are proud to have such a good record in caring for our environment and delighted to be given the chance to help other schools to do the same.”