A ‘DANGEROUS offender’ has been jailed for repeatedly stabbing his victim and leaving him in intensive care.

John Garrett attacked David Stoneman in Tiptree in July last year after robbing a nearby Shell garage of two bottles of port.

Chelmsford Crown Court heard on Thursday how Garrett then got into an argument with a woman with whom he had an on-off relationship.

Garrett’s friend Mr Stoneman, who was sitting with the woman on a bench at the side of Maldon Road, interrupted and told the defendant to “leave it out”.

Investigation - forensics were on the scene of Maldon Road in July last year after the stabbingInvestigation - forensics were on the scene of Maldon Road in July last year after the stabbing (Image: Newsquest)

After Mr Stoneman turned his back, Garrett then produced a knife to stab his victim in the neck and back whilst witnesses walked past with their children.

Dominic Connolly, prosecuting, said the last thing Mr Stoneman remembers was being struck from behind.

He said: “He thought at that time it was a punch to the middle of his neck.

“At no point did he attempt to hit Garrett.

“The next thing he remembers is waking up in hospital, two days later.”

Mr Stoneman was airlifted to Addenbrooke’s Hospital in Cambridge and police cordoned off Maldon Road before going to Garrett’s address in Elm Close, Tiptree.

Garrett was said to have been aggressive towards officers and shouted: “I will shank you in the neck.”

The court heard Garrett had 37 convictions for 163 offences and had served numerous prison terms, including a two-year sentence in 1994 for robbery, handling stolen goods and theft.

He admitted causing grievous bodily harm with intent and robbery.

Barry Gilbert, mitigating, said: “To put things on an even keel, what you have is three people.

“The woman is an on-off girlfriend of Garrett, and, dare I say it, an on-off girlfriend of Mr Stoneman.

“This was not just some random attack on someone he did not know  there was a certain amount of acrimony between the two.

Sentenced - Her Honour Judge Mary Loram KC jailed John Garrett for nine yearsSentenced - Her Honour Judge Mary Loram KC jailed John Garrett for nine years (Image: Daniel Rees, Newsquest)

“He knows he will receive a substantial prison sentence.”

Her Honour Judge Mary Loram KC sentenced Garrett to 13-and-a-half years in prison.

She said: “You are a dangerous offender and I will therefore pass an extended sentence.”

The defendant could be released after nine years and will serve a further eight-and-a-half years on licence.

Garrett was 'millimetres' from killing victim

A VICTIM of a brutal stabbing in broad daylight was “millimetres” from being killed, a judge has said.

David Stoneman was stabbed by John Garrett in Tiptree on Tuesday, July 11 last year.

Chelmsford Crown Court heard on Thursday how Mr Stoneman was airlifted to hospital where a CT scan showed a stab wound to his neck.

Mr Stoneman was transferred to the intensive care unit where surgeons closed the stab wounds.

The most serious of the injuries damaged a blood vessel which caused severe internal bleeding.

Dominic Connolly, prosecuting, said: “The second stab wound came extremely close to the major blood vessel in the neck, the carotid artery, and caused swelling in the sheath that contained it.

“It penetrated within millimetres of this artery and numerous critical structures which, if injured, could have caused a fatality.”

Her Honour Judge Mary Loram KC said: “You have shown little interest in moving away from a life of persistent offending and violence.

“You have little insight into your own behaviour, seeking instead to lash out at others and pass blame.

“Members of the public, including children, were forced to be witnesses to your behaviour.

“Knife crime is understandably a feature of modern society which gives the public greatest concern.”