A DOCTOR'S surgery has applied to build three new medical consulting rooms. 

Tollesbury Surgery, which is situated in High Street, Tollesbury, has applied to Maldon District Council for an extension to an existing building. 

At present, the building is currently used as a medical surgery, which serves the residents of Tollesbury and surrounding villages.  

The proposed use remains unaltered, with the proposal being to provide three additional consultation rooms and reconfigure the waiting room and reception areas. 

According to a design and access statement attached to the plans, the “overall principle” of the proposal is to meet the demand of in person medical consultation in the area by extending the surgery.

The proposal includes two ground floor extensions, as well as internal alterations to the reception and waiting room to create a “more cohesive space”.

It is also projected that one parking space would be lost to facilitate the developments, although new cycle and motorcycle spaces would be provided as well as a new footpath connecting to the main entrance.

The statement reads: “Introducing additional consultation spaces will provide employment opportunities and enhance access to medical resources, resulting in an overall improvement in healthcare services.”