RESIDENTS are urged to have their say on an upcoming transport strategy for the Maldon district. 

A draft strategy has been created by Essex County Council in collaboration with Maldon District Council, for the new Maldon District Future Transport Strategy.

Once finalised, the strategy will form a blueprint that will be used to identify, appraise and assess potential highway schemes, and provide evidence for funding bids.

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District council leader Richard Siddall said: "I am delighted to see the Maldon District Future Transport Strategy consultation being launched. 

"It is a longer-term strategy that explores transport issues in the district and reviews what changes and investments could be made in the future to tackle problems such as air pollution, congestion, public transport routes and frequency, as well as getting more people up and about, walking and cycling where they are able to.

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"This is an opportunity to plan for our sustainable transport needs and address climate action. I encourage residents to take part in this important consultation and to give their views."

Consultation on the draft strategy opened on June 12 for six weeks.

The document is available to read on the strategy website at and hard copies will be made available at public buildings in the Maldon area.