A TRUST has got a cash boost after a successful quiz evening in Maldon.

The Brent steam tug, which has been a feature of Maldon Quay since 1970, received the boost after £726 was raised at a charity quiz at Maldon Town Hall.

The historic steam tug was built in Sunderland in 1945.

It is the last surviving steam vessel of the Port of London Authority's fleet, many of which were once in use on the River Thames and in the London dock system.

Brent is also one of only three TID class tug boats left of the 182 built for the navy as part of the war effort.

The trust aims to maintain the engineering and seafaring skills of the past by restoring and operating the boat, and to preserve her for the public.

Trust fund chairman Janet Hall welcomed 11 teams who faced 100 general knowledge questions about ships, films, dogs, food, royalty, the USA and 2022 events with a chance to win a maximum of 110 points.

Teams included the Maldon Drama Group, a group of wedding planners called the Shipwrecks, who achieved 68 points, and the No Brainers who scored 90 points.

The winning team was the Maldon Morons, who scored 93 points and won a half case of wine.

The evening was topped with a raffle with prizes donated from local sources.