Please make sure that your answer sheets for Ed's Quiz is a four-letter word' are returned to her today (May 7).


This week Mrs Gorringe will be the speaker at the meeting, Thursday 8 May, in the Congregational Church beginning at 2.30pm. Next week Mr Knopp will be attending.


This Friday, 9th May, there will be a choice of a local four mile walk or taking the Town Trial in Harwich.

For the local walk please meet in Church Street at 10am.

For the Harwich Trail either meet in the Square at 9am or at 10am in the car park by Treadmill in Wellington Road, Harwich. The following week will be a circular walk from the Gosbecks Car Park in Shrub End, Colchester For enquiries about walking with the Friday Group contact Margaret on 869539.


The collection vehicle will be on Woodrolfe Green this Saturday between 8am till 8.45am. It is an offence to leave any rubbish unattended at the site.


The continued sales of previously read books will be held outside The Lighthouse in East Street every Saturday throughout the better weather. Proceeds from the sales will again be passed onto village projects. Chris Adcock looks forward to seeing you there.


If you have some spare time this Saturday morning consider going to support the Tollesbury Juniors Under 11s as they play in the Cup Final the Burnham Ground. It's a 10 o'clock kick off.


Another item in the Tollesbury Artist In Residence Project programme occurs this weekend with a great family activity, Tree Shadows'.

Go along from 10.30am until 4pm to the Victory Recreation Ground this Saturday and Sunday and try your hand at making full size tree shapes out of recycled bark. Photos will be taken of the work, which is to form part of the final exhibition at the Village Celebration weekend (June 6-8).


The St Mary's Church fundraising committee have a jumble sale on Saturday in the Parish Rooms.

Doors open to receive all donations at 9am.

Selling begins at 2pm and it's just 20p admission. Call Ed on 869723.


Go along to the Tollesbury Activity Centre (aka, the hut on the Woodrolfe Green) this Saturday May 10 for a good hours' worth of fun on the tables as locals pit their wits to speedily roll the dice for the right number of dots as they keep it on the table.

If you've not gone along before give it a try - there's light refreshments and Ed's tuck shop are additional novelties. It begins at 6.45pm and doors open 6.30pm.


The annual house-to-house collection begins May 11. Every household will receive an envelope through their door. Should this not happen there are envelopes available in St. Mary's church to make your donation. All collectors carry identification.


Due to the May Bank Holiday the date of the May meeting will be Monday 12 between 2pm and 4pm in the Schoolroom of the Congregational Church


The next meeting, a joint meeting with Tolleshunt D'Arcy, will be on Monday 12 May when Rosie Stancer will be speaking about her adventures in her talk, Alone To The North Pole. The competition is a photo of a winter scene.


There are two sessions being held by members of the mobile team in the Parish Rooms on May 14 - the first is between 2pm and 4pm and then again from 5pm to 7.30pm. Arrange an appointment by ringing 0845 711711.


The May dates of the visits to the village by the mobile library are Wednesday 14th and 28th.


There is to be a household effects sale on Saturday May 24 - the idea being that tables are hired to sell ones own possessions.

Full booking details available from Ed Heigham on 869723.

Please note, no commercial businesses.


The Tollesbury Amateur Players are delighted to invite you to their next production, a comic whodunit by Peter Gordon: Death By Fatal Murder. Tickets are on sale now from 869818 for the production that will be in the Tollesbury Community Centre on May 15, 16 and 17th.


As on previous occasions, it is asked that, without changing your shopping habits, if you are offered vouchers from the High Street supermarkets pass them onto any of the following groups in Tollesbury: the County Primary School (collection boxes in the School foyer), Tollesbury Pre-School or Tollesbury Guides - the children will be delighted carriers of these slips of paper.