I received a telephone call from Michael Saxton on Sunday, April 20, informing me that the swallows are back in residence on his property Elm Trees Farm.

He said it was simply amazing as they went straight into the building where their nests were last year. Also, they have been spotted at Grooms Farm.

Does this mean that summer is definitely on the way?

Many thanks to everyone who keeps me up-to-date with our feathered friends' arrival in the village.

Where is the cuckoo - is he next?


AT THE April meeting of the Parish Council the following matters were discussed.

Visitors Talk Time: councillor Coleman welcomed Mark Wakelin, Harbour Master of the Crouch River Harbour Authority, who talked about the role of the Harbour Authority, and then answered questions about how it affected North Fambridge.

The Harbour Authority administers 36 miles of the Rivers Crouch and Roach. It is an independent statutory authority, not affiliated with either the County Council or District Councils.

It operates under its own Act of Parliament, the 1974 Crouch River Harbour Act and is a Trust Port, acting as trustees for stakeholders in the harbour.

There are 14 members currently on the committee (shortly to be reduced to nine), but in addition to Mark there are only two part-time office staff employed.

Additionally, there is the Crouch Advisory Committee, which comprises representatives from groups using and affected by the river who air their own particular points of view. This committee, however, carries no formal responsibility.

The Harbour Authority owns quite large areas of the riverbed and the harbour office in Burnham-on- Crouch, but has no other onshore holdings e.g. boatyard, slipway, workshop, moorings and facilities.

A principal duty is to ensure that the river is buoyed and lit, and this responsibility uses a large part of the limited resources. With restricted funds, there are few direct services provided to yachtsmen, although it is hoped this can be improved.

Questions: In response to a question about the spatial limit of the responsibility of the Harbour Authority, Mr Wakelin explained it extended to the limit of the high water mark on a spring tide.

However, regarding concerns for the breaching of the sea wall, it is the Environment Agency that is responsible for flood defences.

At the present time the value of arable land is relatively low, which is taken into consideration on the cost/benefit analysis of any repairs/reinforcements to the sea wall in any given location.

Mr Wakelin was asked who gives the authority for the removal of a high tonnage of mussels from the river, and if this was not against environmental arguments.

He confirmed that the Harbour Authority issues licenses for the farming of mussels on their ground.

The mussels are all brought from abroad and cultivated in the River Crouch for a period of three years.

Shellfish cultivation is a part of the history of the river, though the area now farmed is much small than it used to be.

Concern was raised about the transport of these mussels through North Fambridge on very large juggernauts.

As the mussels are farmed on a three year cycle, it is unlikely there will be any such movement through the village this year.

Mr Wakelin said that the road through the village is a public highway and the season of mussel farming is a very limited one and consequently considered it a modest disturbance.

As the Harbour Authority is a public body, all its records and documents are available for inspection. Mr Wakelin gave details of the recent sinking of a towed fishing vessel in the river when questioned about it.

There is not the manpower available to carry out a full traffic reporting system.

Finally, the Harbour Master was asked if you have to be a member of a club to have a licence on the river. He replied that you can buy the licence direct from the harbour office and the fees are the same whether or not you are a club member.


Highways: Photographs have been taken by ECC of the damaged footpath from the railway bridge, but no action taken as yet. Clerk will chase this.

Railway: A letter had been received from the Office of Rail Regulation following a further letter of concern sent to Network Rail about the condition of the railway bridge. Network Rail considers the bridge to be fit for normal road loads by virtue of having been reconstructed in 1985 to modern design standards, and according to their latest visual inspection report, does not require any action.

A copy of the Parish Council's concerns has been forwarded to the local safety inspectors and bridge experts.

The situation will continue to be monitored closely by the parish council.

Best Kept Village Competition: The village has entered the Best Kept (Essex) Village Competition, organised by the RCCE (Rural Community Council of Essex). The purpose of the competition is to reward evidence of community pride and encourage proper care for the focal points of village life. The judging dates are secret, but the results will be announced in July.


COUNCILLOR John Archer said that the recent reports regarding the reopening of negotiations with Chelmsford Borough Council about the linking of some officer services were untrue.

Notice is given of a public planning meeting to be held on Wednesday, May 14, at 7.30pm in the village hall.

Peter LeGrys, development control manager at Maldon District Council, will speak on planning issues and will answer questions from the public about any specific planning matter concerning North Fambridge.


COUNCILLOR Cook reported that as School House Graphics are no longer using the School House adjoining the village hall, the village hall management committee, together with the parish council will be looking into the best use of that space for the foreseeable future.


THE next meeting of the North Fambridge Parish Council is on Monday, May 12, at 8pm. This is the annual general meeting.


April: 1st No 115 Joyce Meadows, Lochcarron, Franklin Road; 2nd No 52 Tracey Cogger, Hawridge, Franklin Road. No snowball.

Following this meeting the annual parish meeting took place. A full report of that meeting will appear in this column next week.


THE Blue House Farm family walk is taking place on Monday, May 5. Starting in the Blue House Farm car park at 11am, and finishing at the Ferry Boat Inn.

Everyone is most welcome to join in. If you are planning to go along please sign the list in the church or let Fred Wade know on 740253.


THE meeting to be held in the village hall on Tuesday, May 6, at 2pm, will be when Ian Unwin, the consultant at Mayflower Nursery, will be giving a gardening talk and he will bring a selection of plants for members to purchase.

Visitors are most welcome.