Trevor Andrews was welcomed last Sunday by church elder Sylvia Hardy to lead our service.

Trevor came to us from Kelvedon URC as part of an exchange of preachers within our Chelmsford District, telling us that it was his first visit to Danbury.

Trevor opened with words from Psalm 66 Come listen all you who fear God and I will tell you what he did for me. He brought greetings from Kelvedon and told us that he was in training to become an accredited URC lay preacher, being currently attached to Maldon URC.

This morning he was bringing us a series of reflections based on the bible book of 1 Timothy and taking his theme from the verse where Paul writes that we should be an example to the believers in our speech, conduct, love, faith and purity.

To illustrate the first point, speech, Trevor quoted from a book of prayers by Michel Quoist which starts by saying Speech Lord is a gift.

For conduct Trevor asked us what we would do if Jesus came to us in person to spend some time with us, how would we react, at which point he asked us to sing the hymn I want to walk with Jesus Christ.

As often happens we had no organist so Trevor had brought with him an electronic organist.

For love he continued by reading from John where Jesus asks Peter three times if he loved him and Trevor said time after time we are challenged by Jesus who says do you love me.

For faith he said we should have a base to build upon, such as the solid foundation of Jesus, and to conclude, for purity Trevor said that if all the others are in place we shall become purer, and he finished with the words blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God.

Then followed our time of fellowship with refreshments prepared by Margaret Claydon and Beryl Knott. Next Sunday our own Aimee Whitbread will lead our service at 9.45am.