Asheldham & Dengie parish meeting was held on Monday, April 7 at Dengie village hall.

Noise nuisance: at the last meeting, members discussed the noise nuisance caused by motorcyclists riding round the old gravel pit/nature reserve site. Letters were sent to the owner of the land, to Environmental Services at Maldon District Council, the police and the resident who made the initial complaint.

It was noted at the April meeting that no reply had been received from the owner and a further letter is to be sent. Although this is a civil matter over which the council has limited influence, members feel that they would like to help those residents who are suffering this problem where they can.

Designation of Dengie Marshes: the clerk has obtained information regarding the Landscape Character Appraisal for the Dengie Marshes and this is being considered by members.

Highways issues: members raised the issue again of the lack of road markings at Keeling Road/Hall Road, at the junction of Manor Road, which had not been reinstated following road repairs. There have been several reports of near misses as cars were failing to halt at the junction. It was agreed that the clerk chase up the county highways authority to request the reinstatement of the road markings.

Members are also asking highways to install kerbing around the grass triangle at the junction of Green Lane and Southminster Road.

The area of grass is being eroded and members feel kerbing would improve the appearance of the junction as well as protect the grass area.

Highways had been concerned about lumps of concrete being left on the corner as these present a hazard and they had written to local residents to ask that whoever was putting the concrete there to stop because of the dangers caused.

Members also asked the clerk to report to highways the poor condition of Manor Road at the Tillingham Road down to Glebe Lane.

Dates of future meetings: the annual parish council meeting is to be held on Monday May 12, at 7pm in the village hall, Manor Road.