The Annual General Meeting of the Tolleshunt Knights Autumn Leaves Club took place in the village hall on Wednesday, April 16.

Mr Bob Hillen conducted the meeting and guided us through the official procedures in the election of officers and committee members.

Mr Ken Warne as chairman, Mr John Mulchy as treasurer and Mrs Nora Curtis as secretary were all returned unopposed.

The retiring committee agreed to serve again and consisted of Mrs Rachel Bunce, Mrs Eileen Roy, Mrs Maureen Warne, Mrs Peggy Mulchy, Mrs Joan Warby and Mrs Averil Brown as vicechairman.

Thanks were voiced to Mrs Jean Shead who remains as the outings secretary.

The chairman then gave a report of the past year's activities and thanked Bob for chairing the meeting. Nora Curtis asked that members give Bob an acknowledgement for the amount of funds he raises for our village hall, as every week without fail he calls the numbers for bingo, and this is a very genuine fund raised for the hall.

An extra large raffle was held, the main prize being kindly donated to the club by the Five Lakes Country and Golf Club, which consisted of a meal for two with bed and breakfast. This was won by John Mulchy.

It was announced that the Autumn Leaves Club would be holding a bring-and-buy stall outside Tylers Opticians on Saturday, April 19.

The competition for the prettiest necklace was won by Jean Warner and our competition next month will be for a pretty cup and saucer.


Chris and Nigel's next auction will be held on Sunday, April 27 at Longfields, Plains Road, Great Totham, starting promptly at 10am.

If you have any lots for the auction, or any other enquiries, telephone them on 892717. Please note that no lots can be taken in on the day of the auction.


The next country and western dance being held in the village hall will take place on Saturday, April 26, dancing to Vegas. Doors to the hall will be open from 7pm with dancing taking place between 8pm and 11.30pm.

It is advisable to book in advance as these dance evenings are very popular so get your tickets, priced at £5.50 per person, by telephoning either 816641 or 01245 491252. Line dancing and freestyle dancing also take place and there is always a good raffle.

Please take along your own food and drinks. All profits from these regularly held dances go towards Essex Air Ambulance.