The game on Friday, March 28 was won by Barbara Elias and Wendy Ledwith. No slams were bid. On Monday, March 31 there were seven full tables. The game went to Kay Hill and Irene Brown. Again no successful slams were bid.

BASKETBALL AREA THE youth of the village now have their own basket ball area to use on the Jubilee Field. This facility was funded by the parish council with help from a grant from Essex County Council's Community Initiative Fund.


St Lawrence's car boot season is almost upon us. The first one will be held on Sunday, April 20 at 9am in the Jubilee Field. After that they will be held on May 4 and 25, June 15, July 6 and 20, August 3 and 17, September 7 and 21. All prices will remain the same as last year - £6 for cars, £8 for vans and a 25p per head entrance fee, with children free.

As always, all proceeds will go to the St Lawrence Village Fund. Volunteers are needed to help either on the gate, with the refreshments or by manning the fundraisers' own stall. If anyone can spare two to three hours to assist on one of the above dates please contact Tara Pringle on 01621 779063. She will be delighted to hear from you.