The accolade of Rural Pub of the Year has been bestowed upon Phil and Dom the landlords of the Chequers public house in Goldhanger by the North East Essex branch of the Campaign for Real Ale. Congratulations Phil & Dom for having your efforts in making the pub what it is, recognised.


The annual assembly takes place next Tuesday in the village hall at 8.00pm after the ordinary April meeting which for this month will start at 7.00pm.

All parishioners are welcome to attend and will hear reports of the activities of the council in the past year together with the financial position.

In addition, a speaker from Search & Rescue Dogs complete with at least one dog in attendance will present a talk to the meeting.


On Sunday April 27 there will be a charity walk starting outside Goldhanger village hall at 2pm and going in a circular route arriving back at the Chequers for a hot snack.

The walk will be approximately five miles long taking in public footpaths. About half the route is along the sea wall.

The cost is £10 per person with all the proceeds going to Essex Air Ambulance. To book in for the walk, please phone 01621 788432 to assist in assessing numbers for catering purposes and for any queries.


After a period of several weeks being closed, The Cricketers pub has new licensees John and Sharon. On April 12 there are having a grand opening featuring live acoustic music from local band Slippery Slope.