Page two of last week's Maldon Standard pictured states Maldon District Council has underspent by £300,000 and has allocated £200,000 to fund things yet to be identified, i.e. not within any current financial plan.

On page seven it says Maldon District Council is having to pick up a burden it was not expecting to the tune of £160,000 for an elderly free bus scheme (a scheme I have no objection with).

This seems to be clear mismanagement of finances and shows a lack of integration within the council.

It also illustrates the council's obvious lack of respect of residents by just dumping more and more unnecessary costs on them, whilst cutting services - street lighting, for example.

It also begs the question of the validity of the level of tax increase set last year and how much we are also being overcharged this year.

P Seaward
Maple Way