The first item at the February parish council meeting was to co-opt a new councillor. It was unanimously approved to co-opt Mr Patrick Chaplin from Hall Estate onto the council and he duly signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office.

After the matters arising from the last meeting were considered, planning matters were discussed.

It was noted that the amended plans for the new house in the grounds of the school have been approved by Maldon District Council, as was the application for a new house in Church Street.

A new application to reduce the size of a walnut tree at 11a Fish Street was discussed.

It was considered that the required work arose out of the insistence of the developer to place the boundary with the neighbouring property through the tree.

Applications to remove the lean to on the garage at Hall Farm and alter the wall there were both supported.

Correspondence - the response from Maldon District Council regarding the parish council's comments on the conservation area review was noted. Not all the points had received replies and a fuller response will be requested.

The district council has rejected the suggestion that the playing field and path to the sea wall be included in the conservation area.

An approach has been made seeking the parish council's views on a possible development of the land at the corner of Church Street and Maldon Road that would include community facilities and affordable housing.

Councillors decided not to comment at this time and await any formal planning applications that may be received.

Estimates have been received for re-roofing the bus shelter and more are awaited. A sample of a concrete tile was noted and found favour.

Village pump - the stills taken from the DVD were viewed. They showed the extent of the difficulties faced in restoring the below ground mechanism.

It was decided to commission a clearer and more detailed survey. Estimates would be obtained from CCTV surveyors. It was decided to form a working group to push the project along between council meetings.

Annual Assembly - it was agreed this would take place on the evening of the April meeting as usual. An interesting speaker will be engaged.

Any other business - several points were raised including the debris left by hedge cutting in Blind Lane and Head Street, accidents in Maldon Road, and concern about large lorries using Fish Street.

It was decided to site the spare seat on the sea wall promontory by the sailing club hut in return for the playing field benches being refurbished by a volunteer.

Although procrastination was favoured, the cutting back of the blackthorn alongside the open path from the playing field to the sea wall was considered.


The first of two Lent Lunches took place last Friday in the village hall.

It was extremely well attended with the WI presenting it, a large choice of soups were available together with bread and cheese.

The proceeds will go to Christian Aid.


Due to essential preparatory work to the walls of the village hall prior to decorating, it will be necessary to temporarily close the hall during the day from Wednesday February 20 for a week.

The doctor's surgery this coming Friday, February 22 and next Tuesday, February 26, will take place next to the village hall in 20 Head Street at the usual time.