Members of the Autumn Leaves Club met in the Village Hall on the afternoon of Wednesday February 6 to hear John and Harry talk about Lesotho, in Africa.

They had recently returned from another trip out to Lesotho and came to the club to show slides of orphans receiving their Christmas shoe boxes and school uniforms being distributed. We also saw the visit of Prince Harry to the orphanage.

Maureen gave us a report on the Maldon Older People's Forum meeting and Nora gave her report on the Essex County Council Conference for Older People's Care.

Betty then gave the result of the competition for the best key-ring and three people had the same number of coins for this - Ken, Pat and Joyce.

Our next meeting will be an outing to Perrywoods Nurseries, with tea included, on Wednesday February 20.

We were sorry to hear that Joan Hulls had fallen and received a broken foot as a result.

Jean told us details of future theatre trips and also the Easter lunch, which would be fish and chips. A coach trip to Great Bardfield was also mentioned.

The evening closed with tea and a large raffle was also drawn, before birthday goody bags were handed out.


Chris and Nigel's next auction will take place on Sunday February 24, at Longfields, Plains Road, Great Totham.

If you have any lots for the auction or any other enquiries, please telephone them on 892717.


The next dance at the Village Hall will take place on Saturday February 23, with doors to the hall opening from 7pm and dancing taking place between 8pm and 11.30pm.

It is advisable to book in advance as these dance evenings are very popular. Tickets, priced at £5.50 per person, can be obtained by phoning either 816641 or 01245 491252.

Please take along your own food and drinks. All profits go towards Essex Air Ambulance.


Come along to the Village Hall every Wednesday evening and enjoy a game of bingo, with good cash prizes, a flyer game and a chance to win a bottle of wine.

Bingo starts promptly at 8pm and at half-time, refreshments and a raffle are held. Books cost £2 and the flyer game £1. All funds raised go towards the maintenance and improvement of the Village Hall.


For cardio, strength and stretching, go along to jazzercise classes being held in the Village Hall on Thursday evenings between 6.15pm and 7.10pm. For more information, please telephone Caroline on 07810 203021.