Last Sunday we welcomed our minister, the Rev Jon Sermon, to lead our service. Jon's call to worship were the words: "Sing to the Lord all the world, we are his flock."

The opening hymn was O Worship the Lord in the Beauty of Holiness, but as the tune in the Mission Praise hymn book was not one we knew, Jon remarked that we are told to make a joyful noise to the Lord, but not necessarily tuneful.

Jon asked us what Sunday it was, and several people responded that it was the first in Lent. He said that for once he was going to follow the lectionary, which gives the traditional Bible reading from Matthew where Jesus was tempted after spending 40 days in the desert.

Jon preceded this with a reading from Genesis with the story of the temptation of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. Jon told us that the way Adam and Eve had dealt with temptation, or how not to, was in contrast with how Jesus dealt with it, or how to.

We generally think that there were only three temptations that Jesus had to deal with, but as we read on we find he was tempted in every way, as we are. Each time Jesus was tempted, he quoted a passage from scripture, from the book of Deuteronomy.

Jon concluded that Jesus had spent time getting to know the word of God - shouldn't we also?

We ended the service by celebrating Communion together.

Refreshments were served by Margaret Whitehead and Glyn Davies, and this was followed by a church meeting chaired by our minister.

Next Sunday, Patrick Smith will lead our service at 9.45am - early for some, ideal for others. Why not come and join us? A welcome awaits you.


Attendance at the February meeting of Danbury Twinning broke records when more than 50 members came along to hear Charles Stock talk about his sailing adventures around the Essex coast.

He showed some superb slides, from the Norfolk Broads through Walton-on-the-Naze, Brightlingsea, Maldon and Foulness.

Charles was thanked by chairman David Whiteing for an interesting and amusing evening and the audience showed their appreciation.

Refreshments were served and Charles answered a number of questions after the break.

Finally, the raffle was drawn and our chairman first told members that we were now expecting 15 to 20 visitors from Altenglan in May, and then reminded members that the March meeting was to be a talk on the Essex Air Ambulance by Peter Parker, taking place in the Church Meeting Room on Thursday March 6, at 8pm.

Full details are always on our website, www.DanburyTwinning .info. Our meetings are always open to anyone interested in the subject.