The following are some of the matters discussed at the meeting held on January 28: Tree Warden: Eddie Thomas has been appointed as the new Tree Warden for St Lawrence.

Jubilee Field trees: The dead tree in Jubilee field has been replaced with a horse chestnut which was planted by Cllr Ivan Joslin and Eddie Thomas.

Village sign: The village sign has now been repainted and reerected with help from Andrew and Neil Cowell.

Boules pitch: It is still planned to go ahead with constructing a pitch in Jubilee Field in the Spring. Local people are providing the labour and most of the materials.

Jubilee Field sign: The sign is in a bad state of repair and it was agreed to obtain quotes for its replacement. Consideration will also be given to re-siting the sign so that it is more visible from the road.

Next meeting: The next meeting of the council will be held on Monday, February 25 at 7.30pm at the Church Centre.


The game on Friday, January 29 was won by Olive Lindsay and Jenny Betts.

Only one slam was bid, six diamonds by Barbara and Dennis Thurlow.

Monday's game went to Barbara Kuhl and Valerie Baron.

No slams were bid.