POPULAR fast food chain McDonald's has submitted plans to change its Fullbridge restaurant.

Plans have been revealed for the reconfiguration of the drive-thru lane at the Maldon McDonald's in Fullbridge Road to accommodate side-by-side ordering with changes to car parking and kerb lines.

It also includes alterations to elevations including the roof and extension incorporating an additional drive-thru booth for the introduction of fast forward ordering. 

The shopfront entrance would also be relocated alongside new full height glazing and the introduction of two new access doors. 

Two new digital customer order displays would be installed with overhead canopies, a goal post height restrictor and replacement fascia signs.

Read more >>> REVEALED: Plans submitted by McDonald's Fullbridge

The restaurant's agent Planware said the key change to the overall site layout is the introduction of a fast forward lane.

This will allow for a customer to pull forward to a third booth, if there is a small delay in the order, rather than driving through to the grill bays.

Three parking spaces would be lost for the changes.

It added in a statement: "Due to the changes in demand and the overall shift to drive thru customers, the operation of the drive thru has been the key focus for this review and it is considered based on the current trend.

"The introduction of the fast forward lane and the overall loss of three parking spaces is considered an operational improvement to ensure that traffic flow is maintained through the drive-thru lane, in line with safety and speed of service."

Maldon District Council will rule on the new application.