CAMPAIGNERS against a new nuclear power station in the Dengie say the Government’s big boost for new nuclear is “unachievable, delusionary and irrelevant”.

The Government launched its British Energy Security Strategy which marks a significant acceleration of nuclear energy, as well as renewables.

It sets out plans to boost nuclear power to three times its present capacity to produce 25 per cent of the UK’s electricity by the middle of the century. Prime Minister Boris Johnson said the strategy will reduce dependence on power sources “exposed to volatile international prices” and increase energy self-sufficiency with cheaper bills.

He said: “This will be central to weaning Britain off expensive fossil fuels, which are subject to volatile gas prices set by international markets we are unable to control, and boosting our diverse sources of homegrown energy for greater energy security in the long term.”

However, Prof Andy Blowers, Blackwater Against New Nuclear Group’s (BANNG) chair, said: “This policy of nuclear expansion should be dismissed as unachievable, delusionary and irrelevant.


BANNG chairman Andy Blowers

BANNG chairman Andy Blowers


“And there is little prospect of Bradwell being among the sites where new nuclear power stations are likely to be built.”

BANNG argues nuclear power does not provide the answer to energy security for a number of reasons.

This includes the time it takes to build power stations, their cost, the risk of accidents or attack in times of conflict, health risk concerns from radioactivity and the threat of rising sea on coastal sites.

The campaigners against Bradwell B, a proposed new nuclear power station in Bradwell-on-Sea, also question where the project sits in the Government’s plans.

BANNG says while some other new nuclear sites have been trumpeted in the UK, a “wall of silence” surrounds Bradwell.

Prof Blowers added: “Despite the hype, the new nuclear boost is unlikely to get off the ground.

“And, Bradwell B or any other nuclear project is never likely to see the light of day on a wholly unsuitable site. The local communities have made their voices heard and helped to see off the Chinese developer. They are hardly likely to welcome a successor.”