A decision on approving a new neighbourhood for older people in an Essex village has been delayed over a dispute as to whether the amount of affordable homes for older people proposed are needed.

Lewis and Scott Retirement Living Ltd are proposing 29 houses near the village of Tollesbury, which it says will help address a shortage in homes for older people and will be 100 per cent affordable.

Maldon District Council’s North Western Area Planning Committee voted to defer the decision last night (March 30) after officers challenged the need for this quantum of this "very specific" type of affordable housing in the district.

The level of development was also criticised for a potential impact on the character and appearance of the area, particularly because of the loss of woodland.

Helen Tidswell, co-founder of Lewis and Scott, said: “There is a critical shortage of affordable homes for older people.

“It’s a national problem but it’s particularly acute in Maldon. It’s a rapidly ageing population and there have been no affordable homes built in the district since they were made a priority in 2017.

Read more >>> Developers plan to provide 29 'affordable' retirement homes in Tollesbury

“People are living in properties that are unsafe, hard to manage and expensive to heat.”

Lewis and Scott also proposed increasing the number of affordable rents to 9, which requires a review of the officer’s report.

But doubt was cast over the safety of the scheme, in addition to its potential impact on the maritime character of the village.

Chairman of Tollesbury Parish Council Simon Plater said the Environment Agency had issued guidelines advising that sea level will rise by a minimum of 1.2m by 2125 due to the effects of climate change.

He said: “In particular we have considerable concern about the position of the site and its potential significance of tidal flooding.”

The Environment Agency and Lead Local Flood Authority were consulted and did not object to the proposals. The site is in Flood Zone 1, the lowest-risk area.

Resident Peter Hope spoke in support of the scheme, saying many people in the village were ageing and would soon need services like these, including a friend who is suffering from dementia, anxiety, depression and insomnia.

He said: “This development would mean that they could stay in the village close to their friends and network of support.

“There isn’t an appropriate alternative for them, it’s as simple as that.”

Previous developments have been granted approval in the area on appeal, which means the principle of development has been established.

In addition to the houses, the application is seeking approval for a community hub building, parking and landscaping.