A PUB landlady has ​given donated Easter eggs to disadvantaged students at a Maldon school.  

Lorna Hart, who runs the Victorian Inn in Burnham alongside her husband Raymond, collects donations for disadvantaged children.

At Christmas her customers donated presents for disadvantaged children and now the pub is collecting Easter eggs for the youngsters. 

Lorna contacted Plume Academy as she has a close link, maths teacher Billy Hart, and has donated 25 eggs from pub-goers to the school.

Plume Academy's pupil premium team have collaborated with the pastoral team, designated assistant safeguard lead and SEND to allocate the eggs to 25 disadvantaged students who may not receive an egg this Easter.

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Jo Frost, pupil premium coordinator, said: "The generosity of the local community is simply amazing at a time when some families are really struggling with the cost-of-living crisis.

"Lorna and her customers at the Victoria Inn always support us as an academy. Just like they did last Christmas.

"We are so grateful and proud to be associated with such generous and kind-hearted people such as Lorna"

Lorna is still collecting eggs for the appeal.

A spokesman for the Victoria Inn said on Facebook: "We have just over 200 underprivileged children in the area that need an egg this year.

"So come on be a good egg and help put a smile on a kids face this Easter.

"Just drop off your Easter egg to the pub and we will do the rest."

The pub has until April 4 to collect the eggs and get them delivered in time for Easter.