VILLAGERS are invited to have a fun-filled afternoon at a nursery's first major event in about three years.

Great Totham Nursery is hosting a free Easter fair - its first big event since the start of the Covid pandemic.

The nursery committee's new chairman Heidi Battson says the event is a "typical big fayre" with 25 stalls, bouncy castles, catering vans and lots of activities for children.

There will also be sweet treats, a bookshop and typical fair games for the youngsters to enjoy.

They can meet children's author Rebecca Mills as well as ponies which will be at the fair.

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And there's lots for adults to enjoy too, with Tipsy Bubbles attending - a vintage mobile bar.

Other catering vans attending include Maria's Kitchen Catering and The Iceberg.

Revive Beauty Lounge will be offering its treatments too.

The event, sponsored by Temme English, will be held at Great Totham Village Hall tomorrow (March 26) from 2pm to 5pm.

Great Totham Nursery is a registered charity and committee-led nursery which relies on fundraising to stay open.

Due to financial loss last year and this being its return event, the committee is hoping for a great turnout.