A UNIQUE personalised prints business has been boosted with awards.

Jacqui Davis, from Maldon, set up her own personalised prints business named after her 12-year-old daughter Ruby.

She designs personalised cards, prints and unique and unusual wrapping paper for all occasions.

The South Woodham Ferrers based firm, Ruby's Boutique, has received a business boost from entrepreneur Theo Paphitis.

Last week, Jacqui tweeted Theo about her business during Small Business Sunday (SBS) and was one of six weekly winners to gain a retweet to his near half a million Twitter followers.

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As a result Ruby's Boutique has many more followers and extra orders for Jacqui's personalised prints, cards and wrapping paper.

Jacqui said: “I have been working so hard to get my business up and running and so it is great to have support from Theo, because it’s been tough trying to raise my profile and Theo has recognised my hard work and helped spread the word about what I do to his following.”

The entrepreneur has also won another award on Twitter, being named "Queen of Unique Wrapping Paper".

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In addition, her business was chosen as a finalist in the Biz Bubble Modern Makers awards in the Gift Ideas category, out of the thousands of entries throughout the country.

For more information about Jacqui's small business visit etsy.com/uk/shop/rubysboutiquesales.