VILLAGERS have said a fond farewell to a shop which was at the heart of their community for more than four decades.

Barbara Navin opened the Little Shoppe at her home in Southminster, 43 years ago.

Mums could drop off unwanted or second hand clothes which Barbara and her team would sell, with the shop taking a cut of the price.

The shop soon blossomed into a thriving hub of the small community.

Sarah Bacon worked at the shop.

"I was there for about seven years and Barbara became a very, very good fried of me and my family," she said.

"I don't think she realised the sort of community she grew from it.

"It was more than just buying a top for £3.

"I worked there when my children were at nursery and it was lovely.

"There is a group of about six of us who are really good friends and have been for years."

Barbara previously worked as a lab technician at St Peter's High School in Burnham – now Ormiston Rivers Academy .

Sarah added: "People would move away from the village but still come back to the shop - that's how it was.

"I don't think Barbara realises how much we all valued it ... and her friendship."