A FILM club is set to return in the new year with screenings of award-winning movies.

The first two films to be screened at Maldon Film Club in 2022 are the Golden Globe nomination, Portrait of a Lady on Fire, on January 5 followed by the Oscar award winner JoJo Rabbit on January 19.

The club meets at Maldon Town Hall with doors opening at 7.30pm.

The programme for the 2021/22 season continues until May 25.

Films will be shown fortnightly on Wednesdays until the end of the season.

After Jo Jo Rabbit the remaining films to be screened are Honeyland, Official Secrets, Parasite, Sorry We Missed You, Sweet Country, Knives Out, Taste of Honey and Pain and Glory.

The final film is yet to be announced.

The membership fee from January to May is just £20 which gives members free admission to all films.

There are also a limited number of places for junior members aged 16-18 in full-time education and training at the reduced cost of £18.

For more details and an application form check the website maldonfilmclub.uk, visit the Maldon Visitor Information Centre which is open from 11am to 4pm on Tuesday to Sunday or contact John Salisbury on 07905971608.