A PRIMARY school in the district has held its overall 'good' rating but evidence gathered requires a full inspection.

There has been no change to Heybridge Primary School's overall Ofsted judgement of 'good' as a result of an initial inspection.

But the report says evidence gathered "suggests that the inspection grade might not be as high if a full inspection were carried out now'".

The next inspection will therefore be a full inspection.

Inspectors from Ofsted who visited said pupils are happy to be at Heybridge Primary School and many parents comment on how much their children enjoy the school.

Pupils are well cared for, friendly and confident.

They also found the pupils behave well in lessons and around the school.

It was said bullying is rare as the children are taught to respect each other, but if it does happen school leaders "deal with it well".

However the report adds the quality of education "does not always support pupils to achieve well".

In subjects other than reading and maths pupils’ learning is not always well planned, it says.

This results in pupils "not having a secure grasp" of knowledge needed to learn and remember more.