AN appeal made against a decision to refuse a mobile home at a farm in Cold Norton is set to be heard this month.

Mr & Mrs J Bardwell of Woodstock Animal Enterprise Ltd submitted an application to Maldon District Council last year for a proposed mobile home to provide accommodation for the farmer and family which they said was needed to supervise the livestock enterprises run on the farm.

The applicants currently commute 7 miles to the site as there is no available accommodation close to the farm.

The design and access statement at the time said another recent application for a temporary workers dwelling was refused as it was considered "insufficient information was submitted to justify the level of accommodation" and the "dwelling was commensurate with the needs of the agricultural holding".

Maldon District Council refused the application submitted last year as it said the site would be "disconnected and isolated from the existing settlement" and would provide "poor quality and limited access to sustainable and public transportation".

It also said the evidence submitted is "not considered adequate" to justify the need for a dwelling to be provided at this location within the countryside or "that suitable alternative accommodation could not have been made available nearby".

Also according to the council the siting of the proposed property within the middle of the working farmyard would "give rise to an unacceptable level of noise disturbance" for the future occupiers of the proposed mobile home which will "detrimentally impact on the quality of life of the future occupiers of the dwelling".

The applicants made an appeal to the Secretary of State against the decision to refuse planning permission.

The appeal hearing is due to be heard on November 24 at 10am at Plantation Hall in Colchester Road, Heybridge.

The appointed inspector will determine the appeal.