AN astrology club is set to reveal the best equipment for viewing galaxies.

John Press, member of the East Essex Astronomy Club (EEAC), is inviting residents to discover the best ways to view sights which are out of this world.

John took the picture above of the galaxy M33 which is also known as the pin-wheel galaxy.

He said: "Its part of our local group of galaxies which includes the Andromeda galaxy and can be viewed in the Autumn skies with binoculars or even better with a telescope."

Around this time each year the EEAC is asked what is a good telescope to buy for Christmas.

This year the club is hosting a meeting to help answer this question.

The meeting is on Saturday, November 20 in Burnham and is open to all - under 16s must be accompanied by an adult.

Email the club for more details at

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