A BURNHAM women's social group toast its 'birth day' with a launch event.

A new women's independent social group in Burnham-on-Crouch, Simply Social, has launched where like-minded women can meet, make friends, find support, and have fun.

Its first meeting kicked off with a warm welcome on August 12, as the women introduced themselves and toasted the group's 'birth day'.

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All members enjoyed a glass of bubbly and a slice of specially-decorated cake.

The group will meet on the second Thursday of the month at Clark-Lewis Hall, United Reformed Church in Station Road.

These meetings will last two hours, from 2pm to 4pm, with a meeting fee of £3.

Its joining fee is £5.

The team are looking forward to its future, as trips and outings will be organised to theatres, places of interest, craft centres, garden centres and anywhere enough ladies suggest.

There will also be a lunch club, coffee mornings, and afternoon teas in addition to the monthly meeting.

The next Simply Social meeting is on September 9.

For more information about joining email, ssboc@outlook.com.