Battle has passed on a huge thank-you to Bradwell residents and friends for their support of the continuing fight against the wind farm development.

Nearly 200 people turned up, on a rainy night at the end of November, to listen to Jane Davis and find out what Battle was doing to fight the development.

Jane Davis spoke eloquently, with much supporting evidence, about the noise and effect on property prices, but perhaps the most sobering issue was the information about the potential health problems in the young and elderly now being linked to living in the vicinity of wind turbines.

As a result of the meeting and the tremendous support of so many people, Battle is well on the way to reaching the target of £47,000 needed to continue the fight, but welcomes further donations and promises that in the event of a successful challenge, a large percentage of the donations can be returned.

You can send donations to: BATTLE, PO Box 9047, Southminster, Essex.


LADIES trying to enjoy their keep-fit class the other Thursday at the village hall were disturbed and intimidated by youths shouting, banging on the doors and windows, and even getting inside the building.

The incident is now in the hands of the police, and CCTV recordings around the hall are being studied to try to identify the culprits.

If you have a teenage son who is out after dark, you need to know where he goes, who he is with, and what they are doing, to make sure he is not heading for trouble with the police.

If you have any idea who these youths might be, please contact our community watch co-coordinator, Cherie Archer, on 776443.

VILLAGE HALL NEWSWE are delighted to report that the village hall now has a superb new heating system throughout, thanks to a generous grant from the Essex County Council Community Initiatives Fund, together with donations from the Flower Show, the WI, the Youth Club, the Village Hall Trustees, and the parish council.

There have also been extensive refurbishments to the committee room and toilets, including a new toilet for wheelchair users, and outside is a new veranda complete with wheelchair ramp, completely funded by the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority via the power station.

The veranda can be used with the barbecue area or a marquee on the field for weddings or summer parties, and wedding receptions can naturally be held in the main hall. Typical costs would be: weddings £200 for local residents, £250 for others; parties and other private functions between £10 and £12.50 per hour depending on your needs. A marquee on the field is £50 and use of the committee room, kitchen and toilets would be £7.50 per hour.

It is hoped that all these improvements will help to make life more enjoyable for everyone who lives in Bradwell and the surrounding area.


COME and join in the carol singing on Thursday December 20, meeting at St Thomas's at 7.30pm. You don't have to be a second Pavarotti or a Callas - your voice and enthusiasm will be welcome.


This coming Sunday evening, December 23, at 6.30pm in St Peter's Chapel, the Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols will be held by candlelight. This is always a lovely service within the walls of this ancient chapel and is guaranteed to put you in the right mood and relax you for the forthcoming festivities.

On the Saturday of Christmas Eve there will be a Crib Service at St Thomas's starting at 6pm. At 11.30pm the same night, Midnight Communion will be celebrated and on Christmas Day itself at 10.30am, there will be a Family Service.

The 8am communion service will be held as usual in St Peter's on Wednesday December 26, Boxing Day. All are welcome to these services.


The last reported figure for this appeal was 66 boxes. A very big thank-you goes to all who contributed.

This year's boxes will be going to children in Romania.


The biggest group yet met at the King's Head on Thursday December 6, to discuss Half of a Yellow Sun by Chimanda Ngozi Adichie.

As usual, there were those who liked it and those who didn't!

It is this diversity of opinion that makes for interesting and informative discussions and there is always something new to be learned about the book. It was great to see a few new faces - hopefully not for the last time.

January's choice is Brethren, by Robyn Young, and the meeting will be at the usual venue on January 17.

For February, the choice is The Ghosts by Robert Harris. There is still time to get either of these for your Christmas reading.

I would like to take this opportunity of wishing all in the village a most Happy Christmas and a Joyous and Peaceful New Year.