CONCERNS have been raised for the safety of schoolchildren after residents spotted the path taken by heavy lorries to a new housing development cuts through a narrow road opposite a school.

Some activity has been spotted for the 200-home Barbrook Lane development in Tiptree, with a fleet of lorries going through the street.

Residents expressed their frustration as this route passes by Milldene School and concerns have been raised for the safety of youngsters during school drop off and collection times.

Comments on the issue were submitted to Colchester Council’s planning portal website.

One said: “A low loader vehicle entered Barbrook Lane to deliver a machine.

“Halfway down, it had to stop because of parked cars and could barely manage to squeeze through.

“Once the machine had been dropped off the low loader, it then had to reverse the whole way back up Barbrook Lane because it could not turn at the bottom.”

Some residents have approached Tiptree Parish Council about the issue which has advised everyone to take extra care and be extra vigilant when walking or cycling along the route.

The council said one of the reasons for objecting to the application in the first place was because it did not feel the access route was suitable for large vehicles.

Parish clerk Rob Williams said: “At appeal, the inspector determined it was viable and it was granted.

“There’s very little the parish council can do at this stage because we have exhausted our appeal.

“What you’ve got is large lorries causing consternation for the parents of the schoolchildren going along that route.

“We are asking Colchester Council to look into restricting traffic movements around school times.

“The reality is it is 100 per cent safe – if the children stay on the pavement and the lorries stay on the road.”

READ MORE: First look at controversial plans for 200 new homes in village

Gladman was refused permission to build the homes on land in Barbrook Lane, Tiptree, in 2019, but appealed against Colchester Council’s decision.

After the successful appeal, a reserved matters application for the same number of houses was submitted by Bloor Homes.