This is the title given by the rector for a proposed monthly series of afternoon walks to observe birds and wildlife of all kinds. The first, on November 8, attracted approximately ten participants from Goldhanger and Great and Little Totham.

The group went from Goldhanger church to the sea wall and along to the sluice at Bounds Farm. It was very leisurely with stops to view birds through the rector's tripod mounted telescope.

A great variety of birds were seen including lapwings, golden plovers, stone chats, brent geese various waders and the highlight, a short eared owl which startled the waders on the river into flight.

After about 90 minutes the walkers returned to the church for refreshments.

Future walks will be in other parts of the benefice the next one possibly at Chigborough Lakes.

Watch the parish magazine for details.


The third annual Christmas Cake Competition held at the Chequers and for men only (no female participation or assistance allowed) is in all probability leading to a flurry of activity in the kitchens of Goldhanger and in one instance at least, the garage!

For those who have not yet thought of entering, the rules are simple. The cakes must have a fruit base, be of any shape or size and decorated in a Christmas theme.

Most will also have a fair dollop of brandy, rum, etc to boost the flavour.

Judging takes place on Friday December 21. Many are already looking forward to the next event with various brews of sloe gin on the go. Now where did I put those vanilla and cinnamon flavourings?


Don't forget to come to the Christmas Bazaar in the village hall this Saturday, November 24, from 2.30pm, with all the usual stalls including the Goldhanger money jars and Father Christmas.


On Wednesday November 28, at 7.30pm, Maldon District Council will present the Goldhanger Conservation Area Review and Appraisal. The parish council believes this is an important document affecting all residents, particularly in the conservation area and therefore urges attendance. There will be an opportunity to comment on the Appraisal until the closing date, December 31.