Sylvia Hardy gave Patrick Smith a warm welcome to lead our service last Sunday at Danbury URC.

Patrick comes to us regularly to conduct our worship, and he opened with words from a psalm Praise the Lord, yes, give thanks O servants of the Lord, and then the hymn Christ for the world, we sing.

Patrick gave out sheets and we read responsively words from Psalm 46, God is our refuge and our strength, always ready to help in times of trouble.

Following a bible reading from the gospel of Matthew, which tells the story of Jesus healing two blind men, Patrick told us that many years ago just before Christmas, while sitting at his computer, he suddenly lost his sight.

This was quite terrifying as thoughts of not being able to read, watch television or even tuning the radio became grim prospects.

He had been to Moorefield's eye hospital and was told there was a possibility of his sight returning, and members of our church in Danbury, as well as his own church members in Upminster prayed for him, and he recovered his sight quite quickly.

He continued that there are many diseases in warmer climates which cause loss of eyesight, and when Jesus asked these two men what they wanted their reply was that they wanted their eyesight.

Patrick said that as we see these blind men calling out to Jesus there are lessons for us as we call out, they were helpless and helplessness can lead us to prayer.

Their response to their healing was to follow Jesus.

These blind men had their healing so that they could see the way that Jesus was calling them, and we too need a clearer vision of who Jesus was and what he has done for us.

After the service we enjoyed a time of fellowship with refreshments prepared by Beryl Knott.

Next Sunday our worship will be lead by Heather Brown from Southminster URC at 9.45am.