The next meeting of the Bookworms Book Club will be on Wednesday August 29. The book chosen for this month is The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini.

This is a most interesting book which gives a taste of life in Afghanistan before and during the rise of the Taliban whilst at the same time telling a most moving human story.

The discussion last month after Life of Pi was stimulating and diverse as the story affected those present in different ways. The group is growing and it was lovely to see several new faces. The venue is The King's Head in Bradwell High Street and the meeting time is 8 o'clock.


The towns and villages of the Dengie Hundred are depicted in old postcards at the Rural Discovery Church, St Lawrence, (at the top of the hill!) on Saturdays, Sundays and Bank Holidays from 2.30pm to 4pm.

There is a small entry fee and light refreshments are available.


The Rev Margaret Whitford took part in a competition run by a BBC programme in which listeners were invited to name a new dahlia which had been bred, and Margaret is delighted to learn that her nomination has won.

The new dahlia is to be named Rev Li Tim-Oi after the first Anglican woman priest, ordained in Hong Kong in 1944.

Special services have already been taking place this year to mark the centenary of her birth.

This is particularly significant at a time when Synod is gathering to discuss the future of women's ministry and in particular women bishops. Congratulations Margaret! Second place went to Glimpse of Glory, and third place to Dahlia Llama!


On the first Friday, I was privileged to attend a concert at the Othona Community under the direction of Nikki and Paul Randell.

Nikki told us about the Von Trapp family who were singers and real people, not just a celluloid family from The Sound of Music. This concert was put together in four days with almost everybody staying at Othona that week participating.

Nikki had no idea who would be staying when she arrived for her week at the community. It says much for her professionalism and talent, also for her powers of persuasion, that the evening was extremely enjoyable with people taking part who had never in their lives previously sung in front of an audience and some who could not read music.

There was the Othona choir of ten, there was a Barber Shop group, there were poems and monologues and a very amusing and beautifully told recollection of the day a dead 20-foot whale was washed up on the beach near the community back in the 1960s and the problems incurred in getting it removed!

It was altogether one of the best evenings of local entertainment in a long time, to say nothing of the fantastic dinner before hand which I was invited to share.


The Grand Fun Day lived up to its name but was sadly under attended which was a pity as a lot of work had been done. Perhaps next year with a lot more notice and local advertising, the village will find its way down there.


Starting on August 18 and running until August 25, there is a week on Natural Therapies and Holistic Therapies under the direction of Jonney Aldridge.

During the week there will be an afternoon session each day which will take on a different therapy including Aromatherapy, Reflexology, and Reiki among others. Jonney holds qualifications in massage, anatomy and physiology, aromatherapy and reflexology.

To find our more, or to book for this fascinating week, or perhaps for just a day session, telephone the office on 01621- 776564.


Sunday August 19th at 10.30 am. Parish Communion will be celebrated at St Thomas's church and the St Peter's Service for that evening will be "Praising God After the Fire' and Friends".

Wednesday morning at 8 o'clock a communion service is held in St Peter's Chapel.