Congratulations to Lawrence Adams, Derek Williams, Geoff Betts, Karen Davies, Stan Atkins, K Hanlon, J A Terkelsen and Mr and Mrs R Lucas, whose photographs have all been selected to be used for the 2008 calendar, and to Karen Davies, whose picture has been selected for the front cover.

The trustees of the St Lawrence Village Hall fund would like to thank all those who submitted photographs.

They were delighted to have so many to choose from.

Production is now underway and it is hoped the calendars will be available to sell in September. All proceeds from the calendar will of course go to the St Lawrence Village Hall Fund.


Because of the change in deadline for entries for this column, no bridge results were printed last week, and in future all results will be for the Monday only of the previous week, with Friday's game's details being for the week prior to that.

To bring the results up to date, the game on Monday July 23 was won by Jenny Smith and Joyce Yates. A number of slams were bid, the best of which was six no trumps by Jim Cowling and Alan Montague.

On Monday July 30, the game was won by Barbara Elias and Lionel Thacker. Only one slam was bid, six hearts by Daphne Kerr and Kay Hill.

Finally, the winners of the game played on Friday July 29 were Jim Cowling and Len Wright. The only slam bid was by Lionel Thacker and his helper.


Congratulations to Lesley and Clive Bennett, who celebrated their golden wedding anniversary recently.

To mark the occasion, they held a party with their friends but insisted on no presents. However, they asked if guests did want to give something, they make a donation to the St Lawrence Village Hall Fund.

This resulted in the most generous amount of over £250 being given to the fund.

The trustees and fundraising committee would like to give their sincere thanks to Lesley and Clive's friends and their very best wishes to Lesley and Clive on their golden wedding.