Don't forget that the Parish Council and Da Latchingdon Club have arranged for the Essex Association of Boys' Clubs and associated funders to bring along a climbing wall, archery and various football games on Tuesday August 14.

Please note that there will be a small charge for these events.

There will also be a barbecue, sweets and other refreshments on offer.

Some of Da Latchingdon Club equipment will be available for all to sample, plus a tombola, a book and video sale and a raffle. All money raised will start the fund for a new youth shelter that will also have a memorial plaque for Adam Gosling mounted on it.

For further information, call Lynn Robinson on 07783 144953 or Sarah Sayer on 01631 773183.


The service on Sunday is a Parish Communion, commencing at 10am.

There will be coffee afterwards and all are welcome.

Choir practice is on Thursday at 4.30pm in the church. Should you wish to enquire about baptisms, weddings or confirmations, please contact Don Gordon on 740296.


Today, Wednesday, there will be lots of things to do at the village hall, with a teddy bears' picnic starting at 11.30am.

There will be prizes for bestdressed teddy, so bring yours along, with a picnic.

Proceeds go to the Mothers' Union, which raises funds for books and supplies for the Sunday School and other Mothers' Union charities.


This event is definitely not to be missed as LADS celebrate their 50th year! All monies raised will be donated to the Helen Rollason Heal Cancer Charity.

Performances start at 8pm between Wednesday August 29 and Saturday September 1, and are available from the box office on 740282.

It's also great to report that at the recent awards evening of the members of the North West Essex Theatre guild, LADS won Best Musical for Show Hits 2007, and Best Play with Gammer Gurtons Needle, with other awards, too - well done to all those involved, on and off stage!