On Monday July 16, the following children represented Purleigh Primary School in the Dengie Hundred Schools Swimming Gala: Aimee Lister, Amie McCubbing, Elle Laver, Louise Sawyer, Toni-Rae Newell, Constance Brown, Bobby Johnson, Joshua Perry, Joseph Peters Lewis Brown, Arthur Barker, Daniel Bard and Ben Campbell.

This team retained the trophy, having won it in 2006, with a total of 119 points - 15 clear of the team in second place.

Well done to all the members of the team, including the trainers. The whole village is proud of you.

The school would like to thank Purleigh Parish Council for its continued support towards the running costs of the school post.


Purleigh Women's Institute held its 79th birthday party in the village hall on afternoon of Thursday July 26.

Guests from Mundon, Cold Norton, Maldon Centre, Wickham Bishops, Ulting and Heybridge and Langford were invited, plus some other special guests and members' husbands or friends.

They enjoyed a homemade tea with a birthday cake made by Hazel Ridgwell, who used ground almonds instead of flour so that those who were allergic to wheat products would not be left out.

The entertainment by Beryl from Colchester and Penny from Maldon was excellent - Beryl's anecdotes had us in tears of laughter.

A bring-and-buy stall held to raise funds for next year's 80th birthday party made £40.

The organisers are looking forward to a very successful show and would welcome extra help with mounting and dismounting it. If you can help with this, please ring 223227.


This year, the festival was entitled A Celebration of Music - the interpretation of the chosen themes was so colourful and well executed.

Twenty people were involved in the actual flower arranging, but so many others were part of the whole event. It really is astonishing how people find ways to help, from cleaning the church before and afterwards, baking for the teas, serving in the kitchen, shopping, growing plants for the stalls, stewarding, washing up, advertising - the list seems endless.

The arrangements themselves gave pleasure, and wonder at the ingenuity of each arranger in interpreting the title.


Purleigh Horticultural Show takes place in the village hall on Saturday August 25, with classes for flowers, fruit, vegetables, cookery, handicrafts, flower arranging, and junior classes, 96 in all.

If you have been interested in The Great British Show on television, then make a start by entering this show. With so many classes to choose from, there is sure to be one or more to suit you.

Schedules are available from the show secretary on 826988 - entries have to be in by noon on August 24 and goods will be displayed on the morning of August 25.


A wine-tasting evening will be held in Purleigh village hall on Thursday August 9, to raise money for St Peter's Hospital.

Wines will be supplied by Robin Greatorex and a buffet supper by members of the Women's Institute. Tickets, at £6.50, are available by calling either 01245 321126 or 01621 828557.