This class, which starts in September, is primarily intended for mother's with young children, but all others are also welcome to attend.

It must be realised that there will be young children present and that the pace will be slow, but that is not a bad thing, especially for beginners.


This month the service at the Village Hall will take place on August 5, this being the first Sunday of the month, from 9am to 9.30am.

This is a very simple service and all are welcome to attend. Fr Louis will lead this month's service - next month John Dickens, who took over whilst Fr Andrew was ill, will lead.


At the council meeting on July 17, the following points were raised.

Public comments - Mr Tullis spoke of the planning application on Wyke Farm, Mundon. This has been the subject of several applications over the last few years. The aspects of the application causing concern were discussed, namely access, demolition of existing buildings and rebuilding in an agricultural area, the possible setting of a precedent and the like Mr Newton mentioned that the access is onto an already busy road and the application suggests 14 extra vehicles using the site. He also reported that the police had carried out several checks recently and there was a cable across the road as part of the traffic survey. There is damage to the sign at Mundon Wash and a manhole cover outside his property that is lower than the road surface.

The hedge at Blind Lane had been well cut, but could be trimmed back further.

This could not be enforced.

Transport - Peter Newton reported the 31X is running well. He has spoken to the transport authority about the missing bus stop sign at New Hall Lane.

They wish the parish council to write.

Meanwhile, a No Smoking sign has been put up in the bus shelter.

The Furze - Les Potts is working on the noticeboard. Councillor Trevain is asked not to apply for any grants without prior consultation with the parish council.

Neighbourhood Watch - no report was available, but there had been a break-in at New Hall Lane.

Village Plan - this is ongoing.

Planning - the application FUL/MAL 07/00623 was discussed at length and, taking residents' and councillors' concerns into account, it was decided to object to the application. The singlestorey rear extension at 7 Woodside Cottages, Main Road, Mundon, application FUL/MAL/ 07/00498, was recommended for approval.

Highways - councillors discussed concerns of villagers about heavy and speeding traffic through the village. A raft of measures has been agreed by Essex County Council highways to address the problems, although some solutions have not proved possible.

The parish clerk has written to a landowner asking that vegetation obscuring signs be cut back. There will be a site visit to investigate HGV signage with a view to providing signs at the business parks, prior to the sign at Pillar Box Corner being removed.

A request was agreed for new footway between Sparrow Wyke Cottage and New Hall Lane on the Locally Determined Budget (no estimated time scale).

After a long discussion it was agreed that residents and the authorities concerned with traffic calming would be invited to the September meeting. The clerk will write to Highways with an update on the timescale for the improvements and to report on the discussions which took place at this meeting.

The next meeting is on Tuesday August 21.