The very wet weekend did not dampen the spirits of the people who visited the gardens. Apart from the heaviest downpours when we all dashed for cover, we stood chatting in the gardens as if it were a hot sunny day.

Many visitors stopped in the rain to praise the standard and comment on the gardens they'd seen. Some had come from a good distance away, and we made notes of interesting events happening in their areas. They in exchange made notes to visit next year - surprising, considering the weather.

Our unsung group of workers at both start points (the URC and Honywood Hall) really worked hard. Not only did they produce delicious cream teas and cakes, but also light lunches of ploughman's and burgers. The lunches were a new addition for this year.

In fact, the ploughman's proved to be so good that the supply ran out during Sunday. Some people, unable to walk round the gardens, came only for their lunch or a cream tea. It was good to see them and have their support.

A total of 160 people bought tickets at the start points and visited the Gardens.

At Honywood Hall the Great Totham Treasure (Hunt) was won by Janet Gleghorn, with map square number 33.

At the United Reformed Church, the Great Totham Treasure was won by P Davies with map square 72.

A profit of £789.92 was made for St Peter's Church funds. A very big thankyou goes to all who helped or visited the gardens, making the event a success.

This was only the Open Garden Groups' second year and we are always striving to improve - some members of the group are already planning next year. While the 2007 event is fresh in your mind, have you a suggestion or an idea to put forward? The emphases is first and foremost on a community event. Please e-mail any thoughts to Pam Billings