Nearly all Autumn Leaves Club members were present when they met up in the village hall on Wednesday, May 30. They were entertained by the Devine Line Dancers.

Members who joined in were greatly applauded, especially one lady who had only recently recovered from an operation on her hip.

The "W" competition was won by Pam with her china Wellington boots.

Our next meeting on Wednesday, June 13, will be our Annual Strawberry Tea and members are asked to take along their own fruit bowls and spoons.

The competition at the next meeting will be for an item beginning with the letter "X".

Jean, our outings secretary, gave details of the forthcoming trip to Clacton on June 9, which will leave Tiptree at 10am.

She also gave details of the trip to Elmstead WI for tea on July 6.

The meeting was closed after a large raffle had been held.