Thurrock MP Jackie Doyle-Price has opened up quite a can of worms with her views regarding how people should pay for their care as they get older.

She was filmed suggesting the elderly should maybe sell their homes to pay for help, instead of passing such assets onto their children.

Ms Doyle-Price, recently appointed health minister, has waded into some very controversial waters here - and plenty of people had their say in the aftermath.

And there are many Conservatives, and those of other political persuasions, who feel such views are better off at the bottom of those aforementioned controversial waters.

Who can forget how the Conservatives’ manifesto pledge suggesting older people pay for their care costs from the sale of their homes after they die - dubbed the “dementia tax” - was largely pinpointed in helping Theresa May lose her Commons majority in the summer election?

Yet social care funding remains a massive issue.

And there are voters out there who would agree that the taxpayer shouldn’t necessarily be propping up people to keep their properties to hand down to their children when they’re generating massive care needs.

Whatever your view Ms Doyle-Price’s controversial comments have helped reactivate an important debate which is not going away