I read with interest your article on ‘First class’ health care for the town, and felt it needed to include a little reality.

The offer of a new GP surgery is nice. Reality is that all developers must include a contribution to the community in their planning application so the new surgery may not be built for years, and at no cost to the NHS.

Also, there is an emerging NHS crisis of doctors not wanting to become GPs so there may be no staff for it, even then.

We are offered a new nursing home or independent living hous- ing scheme.

A totally vague idea, which could turn out to be almost anything.

This again could be built as a community contribution and operated by the private sector. This is not an NHS function.

The new health hub is an interesting concept which takes a little understanding.

The word hub has become the new ‘in’ word for something exciting and innovative, but, in fact, has no substance.

The CCG will not identify the uses this hub is intended for, probably because they have no idea.

But if they have decided that all the walk-in services at St Peter’s are to be closed it is hard to imagine what is left.

We must be in no doubt that if an office is taken over in the MDC offices, where carers and District Nurses can leave their coats and bicycles when they visit the town, it can be called a health hub.

The reality of this Plan is that is that St. Peter’s hospital will be closed, all it’s functions will go to Broomfield Hospital, and the land will be sold to developers for a large sum, none of which will benefit the people of Maldon.

We will lose our hospital after about 20 years of discussions, meetings, feasibility studies and wrangling.

For any of our health needs other than a prescription for a few pills we will have to go to Broomfield Hospital, and all we’re getting in exchange is a few vague promises for the future, which may never become a reality.

Bob Wyness

Mill Road Maldon