AN upcoming event will mark momentous anniversaries for the Burnham Riverside Junior Parkrun.

On April 21, the Parkrun will celebrate its second birthday with its milestone 100th event.

A spokesman said: “This occasion marks a significant achievement for our local Parkrun community and highlights the importance of promoting health and fitness among our youth.

“The Burnham Riverside Junior Parkrun has become an integral part of our community, bringing together children and families from all walks of life to participate in a fun and inclusive weekly event.”

It is hoped the forthcoming event will raise awareness of the Burnham Riverside Junior Parkrun.

The event usually averages around 30 to 40 runners, but sometimes has up to 80.

Organisers hope to have 100 runners for the 100th event.

The Parkrun is operated by a core group of ten, who take it in turns to be 'run director'.

One of the core group, Sammy Hopkins, participated in adult Parkruns in Maldon and her stepson later took up running as a hobby.

They wanted a Parkrun that was closer to home in the Dengie.

There is a team of 20 adults who give up their Sunday mornings to volunteer and marshall at events.

Music and a drumming band are also planned for the big day.